Manado (ANTARA News).
Pemerintah Indonesia akan melindungi 20 juta hektare wilayah lautnya di seluruh Indonesia pada 2020, demikian Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam pidato pembukaan KTTB Inisiatif Segitiga Terumbu (Coral Triangle Initiative/CTI) di Manado, Jumat pagi.
"Perlindungan kawasan laut itu akan diberlakukan dengan ketat dan didanai," katanya.
Menurut Presiden, dalam tiga tahun mendatang pemerintah Indonesia akan mencari upaya meningkatkan dana nasional untuk program khusus pada rencana aksi CTI kawasan.
Presiden berjanji bahwa Pemerintah Indonesia akan mengalokasikan dana lima juta dolar AS untuk program CTI dan akan menandatangani dekrit presiden untuk membentuk komite nasional tingkat menteri yang akan bertemu rutin untuk membahas penerapan CTI.
Komitmen Indonesia untuk sungguh-sungguh melestarikan lautnya juga diwujudkan melalui penandatanganan Savu Sea National Marine Fisheries Sanctuary yang meliputi wilayah seluas 3,9 hektar di perbatasan Indonesia - Timor Leste.
Sebelumnya Indonesia menargetkan menciptakan kawasan laut terlindungi seluas 13,4 juta hektare, lebih luas dari target beberapa tahun lalu yaitu 10 juta hektare pada 2010.
Selain Yudhoyono, KTTB CTI juga dihadiri lima kepala negara/pemerintahan, yaitu Presiden Filipina Gloria M. Arroyo, PM Malaysia Najib Razak, PM Kepulauan Solomon Derek Sikua, PM Papua Nugini Michael Somare dan Presiden Timor Leste Ramos Horta.
Enam negara yang berada di wilayah seluas 5,7 juta km persegi ini sepakat berkoordinasi dalam melindungi sumber daya kelautan.
Dengan luas yang hanya dua persen dari lautan di dunia, Segitiga Terumbu Karang memiliki 76 persen dari spesies karang yang sudah diketahui dan beragam ikan.
Lebih dari 120 juta orang secara langsung bergantung kepada karunia yang disediakan lautan di wilayah itu, namun sumberdaya berharga itu sekarang terancam perubahan iklim, pengambilan ikan berlebihan, perikanan ilegal, pembangunan pesisir yang tidak berkelanjutan dan pencemaran.
Semua ancaman ini mengakibatkan berkurangnya persediaan ikan, hilangnya bakau dalam skala besar dan degradasi sistem terumbu karang.
Keenam negara menjawab tantangan itu dengan menyetujui pengembangan rencana aksi untuk inisiatif baru itu dan dalam beberapa tahun ke depan akan bekerjasama untuk melaksanakan strategi kawasan konservasi laut, pengelolaan kelautan yang berkelanjutan, perlindungan spesies terancam punah dan adaptasi perubahan iklim. (*)
The Government of Indonesia will protect 20 million hectares in all marine areas of Indonesia in 2020, so President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in a speech opening KTTB Initiative Segitiga Terumbu (Coral Triangle Initiative / CTI) in Manado, Friday morning.
"The protection area of the sea that will be applied with strict and funded," he said.
According to the President, in three years, the Indonesian government will seek a national effort to increase funding for special programs on the action plan CTI area.
The President pledged that the Government of Indonesia will allocate funds five million U.S. dollars for the CTI program and will sign a presidential decree to establish a national-level ministerial committee which will meet regularly to discuss the application of the CTI.
Indonesia's commitment to seriously conserve marine also realized through the execution Savu Sea Fisheries National Marine Sanctuary which includes the area of 3.9 hectares on the border Indonesia - Timor Leste.
Previous Indonesia targets to create marine protected areas covering 13.4 million hectares, more knowledgeable of the target a few years ago that 10 million hectares in 2010.
Besides Yudhoyono, KTTB CTI also attended the five-state / government, the Philippine President Gloria M. Arroyo, Malaysian PM Najib Razak, the Solomon Islands PM Derek Sikua, PM Michael Somare of Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste President Ramos Horta.
Six countries in the region of 5.7 million square kilometers agree coordinate in protecting marine resources.
With a knowledgeable only two percent of the ocean in the world, Segitiga Coral Reefs have 76 percent of the coral species that are known and a variety of fish.
More than 120 million people directly depend on the bounty of the sea in that region, but the valuable resources that now threatened by climate change, over-fishing, illegal fishing, coastal development is not sustainable and pollution.
All this resulted in decreasing the threat of supply of fish, loss of mangroves in the large-scale systems and coral reef degradation.
The six countries with the challenges that the development of agreed action plans for new initiatives and in the next few years will work to implement the strategy area marine conservation, sustainable management of marine resources, protection of endangered species and adaptation to climate change. (*)
Minggu, 17 Mei 2009
Kerusakan Karang Mencemaskan
Kompas, Senin, 23 Februari 2009 | 00:45 WIB
Akibat penggunaan bom ikan di sejumlah wilayah, kerusakan koral atau terumbu karang di Indonesia sudah berada dalam kondisi mencemaskan. Padahal, hamparan terumbu karang di Indonesia yang mencapai 60.000 kilometer persegi termasuk yang terluas di dunia.
Untuk memulihkan kembali terumbu karang yang rusak, Pemerintah Australia menegaskan kembali dukungannya membantu Indonesia dalam menyelamatkan terumbu karang melalui program pelatihan rehabilitasi dan pemantauannya.
Dengan melestarikan terumbu karang di kawasan Indonesia, maka secara tak langsung akan terjaga pasokan sumber daya perikanan dan biota laut lain yang bernilai ekonomis. Diketahui kelautan Indonesia menyimpan potensi kemanfaatan yang beragam, terutama sebagai sumber pangan, obat, dan kosmetik.
Hal ini disampaikan Sekretaris Menteri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat Indroyono Soesilo, Sabtu (21/2), terkait dengan kehadirannya dalam konferensi ”Indonesia-Australia: Partners in a New Era” di Sydney, Australia.
Menurut Indroyono yang juga mantan Kepala Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, Australia berkepentingan turut menjaga kelestarian ekosistem laut di Indonesia, antara lain karena melihat lokasi laut Nusantara menjadi tempat berpijah ikan tuna yang ditangkap di wilayah perairan Australia.
Dalam upaya pelestarian tersebut, Pemerintah Australia memberikan dukungan teknis tentang cara pengelolaan terumbu karang yang benar seperti yang dilaksanakan di Great Barrier Reef.
Selain Australia, kata Indroyono, perhatian atas penyelamatan terumbu karang Indonesia diberikan Amerika Serikat. Ketika bertemu dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Hillary Clinton menyampaikan komitmennya.
Dukungan WOC
Secara terpisah, di Manado, Wakil Ketua Simposium Panitia World Ocean Conference (WOC) Desy Mantiri mengatakan, sekitar 1.500 pakar kelautan negara- negara Eropa, Amerika, Afrika, Asia, dan Australia menyatakan siap berpartisipasi pada Konferensi Kelautan Dunia (WOC) di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, pada Mei mendatang.
Desy mengatakan, antusiasme ilmuwan dunia diukur dengan masuknya 610 abstrak dari para ilmuwan ke panitia di Manado dan Jakarta. ”Kemungkinan abstrak mengenai kelautan akan bertambah pada Maret mendatang,” katanya.
Menurut Desy, panitia berupaya agar setiap abstrak mendapat kesempatan dipresentasikan pada pelaksanaan WOC yang dijadwalkan berlangsung lima hari. Panitia telah mengklasifikasi 610 abstrak dalam beberapa bidang simposium untuk dibahas dalam waktu bersamaan.
Sekretaris eksekutif panitia daerah WOC, Noldy Tuerah, mengatakan, persiapan Sulut menjadi tuan rumah WOC dan pertemuan tingkat tinggi enam negara anggota CTI sudah 85 persen.
Tuerah menjelaskan, di Manado terdapat lima gedung konperensi yang telah siap dipakai untuk simposium. Menurut dia, pelaksanaan WOC mendapat dukungan dari Direktur Eksekutif UN Habitat Anna Tibaijuka dan Direktur Eksekutif United Nations Environment Programme Achim Steiner. (YUN/ZAL)
As a result of a number of bombs in many area, coral reefs damaged in Indonesia are already in a condition worrisome. In fact, coral reefs in Indonesia that reached 60,000 square kilometers and one of the most huge area in the world.
To restore the damaged coral reefs, the Australian Government reaffirms support to help save Indonesia's coral reef rehabilitation through training programs and monitoring.
Preserve the coral reef area in Indonesia, then a hint akan awake supply fishery resources and marine biota in the economic value. Indonesia is known maritime power saving potential of a diverse, mainly as a source of food, drugs, and cosmetics.
This was Secretary of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Indroyono Susilo, Saturday (21 / 2), associated with the presence in the conference "India-Australia: Partners in a New Era" in Sydney, Australia.
ccording Indroyono also a former Head of Marine and Fisheries Research Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Australia stakeholders participated in maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems in the sea, such as the location to see the sea into archipelago where tuna spawn in the area arrested the Australian waters.
In conservation efforts, the Australian Government to provide technical support on the management of coral reefs such as the right which was held in the Great Barrier Reef.
In addition to Australia, said Indroyono, attention on the coral reef rescue Indonesia provided the United States. When meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Foreign Minister of the United States Hillary Clinton, his commitment.
Supporting of WOC
Separately, in Manado, Vice Chairman of the Symposium Committee of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) Mantiri Desy, said around 1,500 sciencetist from maritime countries of Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Australia and the states ready to participate in the World Maritime Conference (WOC) in Manado, North Sulawesi, in the upcoming May.
Desy said, enthusiasm is measured with the scientists of the world insertion of 610 abstracts from scientists to the committee in Manado and Jakarta. "The likelihood of the oceanic abstract akan future increases in March," he said.
According to Desy, so that the committee working to get the opportunity every abstract presented at the WOC the scheduled execution took place five days. Committee has been classifying abstract 610 in some areas discussed in the symposium for the same time.
Secretary of the executive committee WOC, Noldy Tuerah, said, Sulut preparation to host the WOC and the high-level meeting in six member countries have 85 percent CTI.
Tuerah explain, in Manado conference there are five buildings that have been ready to be used for symposiums. According to him, the implementation of the WOC support from UN Habitat Executive Director Anna Tibaijuka and the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program Achim Steiner. (Yun / ZAL)
Akibat penggunaan bom ikan di sejumlah wilayah, kerusakan koral atau terumbu karang di Indonesia sudah berada dalam kondisi mencemaskan. Padahal, hamparan terumbu karang di Indonesia yang mencapai 60.000 kilometer persegi termasuk yang terluas di dunia.
Untuk memulihkan kembali terumbu karang yang rusak, Pemerintah Australia menegaskan kembali dukungannya membantu Indonesia dalam menyelamatkan terumbu karang melalui program pelatihan rehabilitasi dan pemantauannya.
Dengan melestarikan terumbu karang di kawasan Indonesia, maka secara tak langsung akan terjaga pasokan sumber daya perikanan dan biota laut lain yang bernilai ekonomis. Diketahui kelautan Indonesia menyimpan potensi kemanfaatan yang beragam, terutama sebagai sumber pangan, obat, dan kosmetik.
Hal ini disampaikan Sekretaris Menteri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat Indroyono Soesilo, Sabtu (21/2), terkait dengan kehadirannya dalam konferensi ”Indonesia-Australia: Partners in a New Era” di Sydney, Australia.
Menurut Indroyono yang juga mantan Kepala Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, Australia berkepentingan turut menjaga kelestarian ekosistem laut di Indonesia, antara lain karena melihat lokasi laut Nusantara menjadi tempat berpijah ikan tuna yang ditangkap di wilayah perairan Australia.
Dalam upaya pelestarian tersebut, Pemerintah Australia memberikan dukungan teknis tentang cara pengelolaan terumbu karang yang benar seperti yang dilaksanakan di Great Barrier Reef.
Selain Australia, kata Indroyono, perhatian atas penyelamatan terumbu karang Indonesia diberikan Amerika Serikat. Ketika bertemu dengan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Hillary Clinton menyampaikan komitmennya.
Dukungan WOC
Secara terpisah, di Manado, Wakil Ketua Simposium Panitia World Ocean Conference (WOC) Desy Mantiri mengatakan, sekitar 1.500 pakar kelautan negara- negara Eropa, Amerika, Afrika, Asia, dan Australia menyatakan siap berpartisipasi pada Konferensi Kelautan Dunia (WOC) di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, pada Mei mendatang.
Desy mengatakan, antusiasme ilmuwan dunia diukur dengan masuknya 610 abstrak dari para ilmuwan ke panitia di Manado dan Jakarta. ”Kemungkinan abstrak mengenai kelautan akan bertambah pada Maret mendatang,” katanya.
Menurut Desy, panitia berupaya agar setiap abstrak mendapat kesempatan dipresentasikan pada pelaksanaan WOC yang dijadwalkan berlangsung lima hari. Panitia telah mengklasifikasi 610 abstrak dalam beberapa bidang simposium untuk dibahas dalam waktu bersamaan.
Sekretaris eksekutif panitia daerah WOC, Noldy Tuerah, mengatakan, persiapan Sulut menjadi tuan rumah WOC dan pertemuan tingkat tinggi enam negara anggota CTI sudah 85 persen.
Tuerah menjelaskan, di Manado terdapat lima gedung konperensi yang telah siap dipakai untuk simposium. Menurut dia, pelaksanaan WOC mendapat dukungan dari Direktur Eksekutif UN Habitat Anna Tibaijuka dan Direktur Eksekutif United Nations Environment Programme Achim Steiner. (YUN/ZAL)
As a result of a number of bombs in many area, coral reefs damaged in Indonesia are already in a condition worrisome. In fact, coral reefs in Indonesia that reached 60,000 square kilometers and one of the most huge area in the world.
To restore the damaged coral reefs, the Australian Government reaffirms support to help save Indonesia's coral reef rehabilitation through training programs and monitoring.
Preserve the coral reef area in Indonesia, then a hint akan awake supply fishery resources and marine biota in the economic value. Indonesia is known maritime power saving potential of a diverse, mainly as a source of food, drugs, and cosmetics.
This was Secretary of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Indroyono Susilo, Saturday (21 / 2), associated with the presence in the conference "India-Australia: Partners in a New Era" in Sydney, Australia.
ccording Indroyono also a former Head of Marine and Fisheries Research Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Australia stakeholders participated in maintaining the sustainability of ecosystems in the sea, such as the location to see the sea into archipelago where tuna spawn in the area arrested the Australian waters.
In conservation efforts, the Australian Government to provide technical support on the management of coral reefs such as the right which was held in the Great Barrier Reef.
In addition to Australia, said Indroyono, attention on the coral reef rescue Indonesia provided the United States. When meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Foreign Minister of the United States Hillary Clinton, his commitment.
Supporting of WOC
Separately, in Manado, Vice Chairman of the Symposium Committee of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) Mantiri Desy, said around 1,500 sciencetist from maritime countries of Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Australia and the states ready to participate in the World Maritime Conference (WOC) in Manado, North Sulawesi, in the upcoming May.
Desy said, enthusiasm is measured with the scientists of the world insertion of 610 abstracts from scientists to the committee in Manado and Jakarta. "The likelihood of the oceanic abstract akan future increases in March," he said.
According to Desy, so that the committee working to get the opportunity every abstract presented at the WOC the scheduled execution took place five days. Committee has been classifying abstract 610 in some areas discussed in the symposium for the same time.
Secretary of the executive committee WOC, Noldy Tuerah, said, Sulut preparation to host the WOC and the high-level meeting in six member countries have 85 percent CTI.
Tuerah explain, in Manado conference there are five buildings that have been ready to be used for symposiums. According to him, the implementation of the WOC support from UN Habitat Executive Director Anna Tibaijuka and the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program Achim Steiner. (Yun / ZAL)
Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009
Fishing Industry Losing Billions to Foreign Raiders
Eliswan Azly/Antara
April 6, 2009
In the run-up to the upcoming World Ocean Conference in Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia has been urged to make use of the event to ask other countries to stop illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.
“The government should make use of the opportunity to secure a commitment against illegal fishing,” Riza Damanik, secretary general of the People’s Coalition for Fishery Justice, told a press briefing.
Riza said the government had to abandon its risky diplomacy of expecting aid funds for the rehabilitation of coral reefs to fight global warming.
The government, Riza said, needs to act wisely by making use of the WOC on May 11-15 to demand other countries stop poaching in Indonesia.
In the past decade, fishing vessels from 10 countries had been caught poaching in Indonesian waters, including from Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Korea, China, Taiwan, Panama, Burma and Malaysia.
“The crisis in our seas is related to [fishing] crimes committed in the seas. Because of illegal fishing we have lost 50 percent of our marine resources,” Riza said, without mentioning a source for his figures.
‘It’s our water and our fish, but we’re losing out. It’s ridiculous.’ said Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, former maritime minister
The chairman of the Anti-Debt Coalition, Dani Setiawan, said Indonesia must be able to control its territorial waters.
The country must not use the WOC to seek foreign loans related to climate change issues because he feared that would make the country lose control of its seas, he said.
Aji Sularso, the director general of supervision and control of marine resources and fishery, said earlier that most vessels conducting illegal fishing in the country’s waters were from Thailand and Vietnam.
Earlier, former Minister of Maritime Exploration Sarwono Kusumaatmadja said illegal fishing by foreigners in Indonesian waters had cost the country an estimated $4 billion in revenue every year.
Sarwono noted that foreigners were getting more of Indonesia’s maritime resources than Indonesians themselves, as the country only earned some $2.2 billion from its fishing sector.
“It’s our water and our fish, but we’re losing out. It’s ridiculous,” he said.
More tragic, Aji said, was that the poachers have shown no fear of Indonesian patrols, which were either outnumbered or poorly armed.
“Illegal fishermen show no respect for our national law. A shoot-and-sink policy should be part of a show of force to deter them,” Aji said.
He said illegal fishing was out of control and was “threatening Indonesia’s economic and territorial sovereignty.”
The Indonesian government has been criticized for being “too lenient” in allowing Filipino fishermen to repatriate and reunite with their families. They would usually give one of two reasons for doing so — humanitarian reasons or a lack of funds to provide basic needs and shelter.
Meanwhile, hundreds of confiscated foreign fishing vessels are now crowding dozens of seaports across the country. They are corroding, if not sinking, while waiting for legal processing.
April 6, 2009
In the run-up to the upcoming World Ocean Conference in Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia has been urged to make use of the event to ask other countries to stop illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.
“The government should make use of the opportunity to secure a commitment against illegal fishing,” Riza Damanik, secretary general of the People’s Coalition for Fishery Justice, told a press briefing.
Riza said the government had to abandon its risky diplomacy of expecting aid funds for the rehabilitation of coral reefs to fight global warming.
The government, Riza said, needs to act wisely by making use of the WOC on May 11-15 to demand other countries stop poaching in Indonesia.
In the past decade, fishing vessels from 10 countries had been caught poaching in Indonesian waters, including from Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Korea, China, Taiwan, Panama, Burma and Malaysia.
“The crisis in our seas is related to [fishing] crimes committed in the seas. Because of illegal fishing we have lost 50 percent of our marine resources,” Riza said, without mentioning a source for his figures.
‘It’s our water and our fish, but we’re losing out. It’s ridiculous.’ said Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, former maritime minister
The chairman of the Anti-Debt Coalition, Dani Setiawan, said Indonesia must be able to control its territorial waters.
The country must not use the WOC to seek foreign loans related to climate change issues because he feared that would make the country lose control of its seas, he said.
Aji Sularso, the director general of supervision and control of marine resources and fishery, said earlier that most vessels conducting illegal fishing in the country’s waters were from Thailand and Vietnam.
Earlier, former Minister of Maritime Exploration Sarwono Kusumaatmadja said illegal fishing by foreigners in Indonesian waters had cost the country an estimated $4 billion in revenue every year.
Sarwono noted that foreigners were getting more of Indonesia’s maritime resources than Indonesians themselves, as the country only earned some $2.2 billion from its fishing sector.
“It’s our water and our fish, but we’re losing out. It’s ridiculous,” he said.
More tragic, Aji said, was that the poachers have shown no fear of Indonesian patrols, which were either outnumbered or poorly armed.
“Illegal fishermen show no respect for our national law. A shoot-and-sink policy should be part of a show of force to deter them,” Aji said.
He said illegal fishing was out of control and was “threatening Indonesia’s economic and territorial sovereignty.”
The Indonesian government has been criticized for being “too lenient” in allowing Filipino fishermen to repatriate and reunite with their families. They would usually give one of two reasons for doing so — humanitarian reasons or a lack of funds to provide basic needs and shelter.
Meanwhile, hundreds of confiscated foreign fishing vessels are now crowding dozens of seaports across the country. They are corroding, if not sinking, while waiting for legal processing.
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