Sabtu, 19 September 2009

A Humback Whale Standed in Pasanggran Beach Tasikmalaya

People of Cipatujah District pasanggrahan, Tasikmalaya in West Java was startled by a stranded giant whale(14/09). Reported on the blog "taselamedia".

Mammals are 11.75 meters long by 4 meters in diameter of belly was estimated weighed 4 tons and the estimated stranded at 03.00 AM in the morning. From the observation characteristics are humpback whale whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

According to the district head Najmudin Cipatujah SIP Azis said the company has coordinated with related agencies including the Office of Marine and Fisheries and Tourism Department of Tasikmalaya to decide whether the mammal will be consumed or buried.
Based on the results of the study while the pope is usually consume, but only found stranded on the side waiting for this Cipatujah investigation teams from the district veterinarian. "When based on the results of research team of doctors, this fish for the consumption allowed, communities are allowed to take the meat," Azis said.

Giant whales became public spectacle that comes not only from Cipatujah its self, but from CIKALONG, Bantarkalong, KARANGNUNGGAL even from Tasikmalaya town. Not enough to see it, this whale became seizure of all people. With simple tools like machetes and knives, they chop up and cut it up into pieces
Prior allowed him to pieces, the Muspika also briefly held a small meeting. Attended by the health center and Head of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Marine Tasikmalaya Regency, Ir Maman Dali SP. It said the meeting's purpose, to make sure conditions are safe to eat fish residents. The meeting also decided that the fish is safe. As commanded it, people went straight to snatch pieces.

It took long enough to make it really was left out. 12 hours. Asep (40) Sarakan villagers Village / Sub Taselamedia Cipatujah to confess, go fight the fish meat. "Delicious. Delicious unusual because many contain oil. It feels like beef or chicken broilers. not putrid taste at all, "she said. For the handyman like him, really windfall. You see, countless rarely get the special menu. And to make it special, Asep using jerky seasonings such as garlic, onion, coriander, galangal, palm sugar and salt. He believes, "Dendeng Pope" it could stand for the menu next Lebaran Idul Fitri.

a stranded whales in the waters Tasela yesterday, may be a rare phenomenon. By the pope is the pope called the dragon. Public knowledge about whales and dolphins are still lacking. The simplest thing is the assumption that the whales or dolphins are classified as mammals, are still often equated with the fish. Another important thing is how the key actions / events handling these giant mammals terdamparnya.

Putu Liza, a marine mammal researchers say that whales and dolphins (order Cetacean) across the sea (and also the river) with sonar navigation. "If there is interference with their sonar, they can stray. Earthquakes can also make noise sonar, like what happened in Tasmania Australia in early January of this year "he said as reported in these blogs.

He added that many beached whales recorded around the time the sun spots (sun spots) are many. "Usually about 11 years time" he said. There is also a tendency when there is a natural disturbance (sun spots or earthquake), will cause the number of whales that stranded many / groups. "The possibility of stranded whales in Tasikmalaya is possible because of illness, or other navigation problems" says the researcher who is completing research on dolphin dolphins in Australia.

Source: taselamedia


Masyarakat pesisir pantai Pasanggrahan Kecamatan Cipatujah, Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat dikejutkan dengan terdamparnya seekor paus raksasa (14/09). Demikian dilaporkan di blog “taselamedia”.

Mamalia yang memiliki panjang 11,75 meter dengan perut berdiameter 4 meter ini diperkirakan berbobot 4 ton dan perkiraan terdampar pada pukul 03.00 WIB dini hari. Dari pengamatan ciri-ciri paus ini adalah humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Menurut camat Cipatujah Najmudin Azis SIP, pihaknya sudah berkoordinasi dengan dinas terkait diantaranya Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan serta Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tasikmalaya untuk memutuskan apakah mamalia tersebut akan dikonsumsi atau di kuburkan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sementara paus tersebut biasa dikonsumsi, hanya saja untuk yang ditemukan terdampar di Cipatujah ini pihaknya menunggu hasil pemeriksaan tim dokter hewan dari kabupaten. “ Nanti kalau berdasarkan hasil penelitian tim dokter , ikan ini layakl untuk di konsumsi, masyarakat sekitar diperbolehkan untuk mengambil dagingnya”, ujar Azis.

Paus raksasa tersebut menjadi tontonan masyarakat yang datang bukan hanya dari Cipatujah saja, melainkan dari Cikalong, Bantarkalong, Karangnunggal bahkan dari kota Tasikmalaya. Tak cukup melihatnya, paus ini justru menjadi rebutan semua orang. Dengan peralatan sederhana seperti golok dan pisau, mereka mencincang dan memotong-motongnya berkeping-keping
Sebelum diperbolehkan mencincangnya, pihak Muspika juga sempat menggelar rapat kecil. Dihadiri oleh pihak Puskesmas dan Kadis Peternakan, Perikanan, dan Kelautan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Ir Maman Dali SP. Tujuan rapat itu katanya, untuk memastikan kondisi ikan tersebut aman dikonsumsi warga. Rapat pun memutuskan ikan tersebut aman. Seperti dikomando saja, warga pun langsung berebut mencincangnya.

Butuh waktu cukup lama untuk membuatnya benar-benar habis tak tersisa. 12 jam. Asep (40) warga kampung Sarakan Desa/Kecamatan Cipatujah kepada Taselamedia mengaku, ikut berebut daging ikan tersebut. “Enak. Lezatnya luar biasa karena banyak mengandung minyak. Rasanya mirip daging sapi atau ayam broiler. Sama sekali enggak bau kok,”katanya. Bagi bagi buruh serabutan seperti dirinya,benar-benar rezeki nomplok. Soalnya, terhitung jarang sekali mendapatkan menu istimewa tersebut. Dan untuk membuatnya jadi istimewa, Asep menggunakan bumbu dendeng seperti bawang putih, bawang merah, ketumbar, lengkuas, gula merah dan garam. Dia yakin, “Dendeng Paus”nya bisa tahan untuk menu Lebaran Idul Fitri mendatang.

Terdamparnya paus di perairan Tasela kemarin, boleh jadi sebuah fenomena langka. Oleh masyarakat paus ini disebut paus naga. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang paus maupun lumba-lumba memang masih sangat kurang. Hal paling sederhana adalah anggapan bahwa paus atau lumba-lumba yang tergolong mamalia ini, masih sering disamakan dengan ikan. Hal penting lainnya yang utama ialah bagaimana tindakan/penanganan kejadian terdamparnya mamalia raksasa ini.

Putu Liza, seorang peneliti mamalia laut ini menyebutkan bahwa paus dan lumba-lumba (ordo Cetacean) mengarungi lautan (dan sungai2 juga) dengan navigasi sonar. “Jika ada gangguan terhadap sonar mereka, mereka bisa nyasar. Gempa bumi bisa juga membuat gangguan sonar, seperti yang terjadi di Tasmania Australia awal Januari tahun ini” katanya seperti dilaporkan dalam blog tersebut.

Ia menambahkan bahwa banyak paus yang tercatat terdampar di sekitar saat bintik matahari (sun spots) sedang banyak. “Biasanya sekitar 11 tahunan sekali” katanya. Ada pula kecenderungan bila terjadi gangguan alami (sun spot atau gempa), akan menyebabkan jumlah paus yang terdampar banyak/kelompok .” Kemungkinan paus yang terdampar di Tasikmalaya ini mungkin karena sakit, atau gangguan navigasi lainnya” kata peneliti yang sedang menyelesaikan penelitian tentang lumba-lumba di Australia ini.

Sumber dan foto :

Rabu, 16 September 2009


Whaling traditionally made by fishermen Lamalera Lembata Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), still allowed by the government, despite the Savu Sea was designated as National Park waters for marine mammals. This statement was made Director of Conservation and Marine National Park, the Director General of Marine and Coastal Small Islands Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Agus Dermawan in Kupang on Monday (June, 29).

He said, Savu Sea water conservation is not merely to preserve the content of these marine areas, but also for the protection and utilization by giving space to all fishermen to conduct activities in the Savu Sea.

However, Agus continued, the government will determine the specific areas in the waters of the Savu Sea as an area closed to fishing activities or other activities, particularly in the area as a place to lay their eggs and developing marine biota biaknya types, including whales.

"This area we will decide together with the involvement of all elements of society and related elements, because it is where the herd of spawning and growing into adults, so in the future we could both take care of," said Agus.

Source: MATA


Stomach contents and Fin Taken.
LHOKSEUMAWE. A whale was found dead afterstranded in the coast Pusong, District Banda Sakti, Lhokseumawe. Fishermen suspected whale that died were killed by poachers, This was proven because entrails and fins are cutted.

The weight of this fish is estimated at two tons with a length of 8 meters. Some fishermen claimed, never saw a ship without a flag identity throwing tens of dead whales in waters off line approximately one dozen miles from the coast Pusong, Lhokseumawe. The fish were probably caught at sea, then take the contents of her stomach, among others, liver, lungs, heart and fins to be made of whale oil.

Blue Whale carcass known as Balaenoptera musculus, in a marine mammal belonging to the Baleen Whale. "It is estimated that the whale had been dead four days ago. But until yesterday afternoon washed up on the coast. thats Why was not pleasant aroma. Fishermab try to taken out to sea ," said Rasyidin (34) local fishermen to Metro Aceh, Friday (3 / 7).

In the meantime, he said, for local fishermen unlawful killing of a whale, because it can not be consumed. In addition, this type of rare creatur into the waters of Aceh, even if there are certain that stray like that ever happened in Lancok coast, Sub Blang Mangat, Lhokseumawe, a few months ago. At that time, the herd numbered seven blue whales beached fish shallow local villages. "However, we save the Water Police officers assisted to carry out to sea," he admitted.

From observations at in teh field, in addition to spreading the smell was delicious, the big whale belly like sliced lengthwise. In addition, the contents of her stomach had been taken, then two fins also looked broken. At the location of the children and parents look cool watching that rare fish species. The average of those admitted was curious after hearing the information there is a beached whale in Pusong. (mag-28)

Source: Rakyat

Selasa, 15 September 2009


An environmental action group says the delay in cleaning up an oil spill off Australia's north-west coast shows the shortcomings in the Federal Government's emergency planning for oil spills at sea.

But the Government say the spill, at the West Atlas mobile offshore drilling unit in the Timor sea, is smaller than first thought.

The incident occurred early Friday morning and 69 workers were evacuated from the site when oil and gas began leaking from the rig.

The slick is 14 kilometres long and 30 metres wide and is about 100 kilometres off the Western Australia coast.

Authorities on Saturday declared a 37-kilometre exclusion zone around the rig, which is owned by Norwegian company Seadrill and operated by Thai-based PTTEP Australasia.

John Dee from the environmental action group Do Something says urgent steps need to be taken.

"This is a particularly pristine marine environment and that's what makes this spill so concerning," he said.

"It's teeming with baby turtles at this time of year, it's a migratory whale route, and of course we need to make sure that this spill is contained because the Ashmore Reef is just 150 kilometres away.

"That's why the Government needs to make sure all efforts are made to ensure it's cleaned up as soon as possible."

Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson says the slick is beginning to evaporate naturally and chemical dispersants will be used to speed up that process.

He has told Channel 10 that it poses no threat to the Australian coastline.

"The oil spill is not as big as first thought. It's in the Montara [oil] field," he said.

"The Australian Maritime Safety Authority is on the job. They're in charge of the clean-up and the company itself has flown in the necessary technical advice to work out how they cap the developed well as quickly as possible."

Size assessment

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority says a search and rescue aircraft has just left Darwin to assess whether an oil slick off the Western Australian coast has grown overnight.

The Authority's Tracey Jiggins says a plane was sent out this morning to assess the situation, but it is expected the spill has stayed the same size.

She says a Hercules aircraft carrying chemicals to start dispersing the oil spill has also just left Darwin.

"What they'll do is they'll go out and assess the situation all the safety measurements and things will be put in place to make sure it's safe to go," she said.

"Our information is that the slick has remained quite constant. It appears to be evaporating at the same rate as it's leaking.

"We don't expect that will have changed overnight but we'll have to wait until those aircraft get on scene and feed back information about how it's going this morning."

She says a decision will then be made on how much chemical will be sprayed, with the aircraft allowed to fly within two nautical miles of the rig.

Jose Martins from PTTEP Australasia says any environmental impact will be minimal.

"The oil is dispersing very quickly, so the rate of dispersement [sic] is quite quick," he said.

"Therefore there's no visible endangerment to any wildlife at this stage, and it's quite far from any land. It is a remote location."

Fix 'could take days'

He says a group of experts is trying to work out how to fix the leak.

"Until we can get a proper report ... only then we can tell you what the next stage is and how long this will take to repair," he said.

Mr Martins says the leaking gas poses a major fire risk, making it difficult for anyone to access the site.

"We have engaged international experts and they will be given whatever resources they need to bring the situation under control," he said.



A 28ft (9.5m) humpback whale was found dead in the River Thames near the Dartford Bridge to the east of London early on Saturday morning.

Scientists from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and members of British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) received reports that a whale had been spotted in the Thames on Thursday afternoon, but no further sightings were made until the animal was found dead on Saturday and subsequently recovered by a Port of London Authority (PLA) patrol boat. A post-mortem examination of the juvenile male humpback whale has been conducted.

Rob Deaville, project manager of the UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme said “Preliminary results from the post-mortem examination indicate that it may have died as a result of starvation, but further tests are still pending and may provide additional information about what happened to this whale”.

This is the first time that a humpback whale has been found in the Thames. The last humpback whale found stranded around the UK coast line was in 2007 at Port Talbot in Wales.

There have only been 12 strandings of humpback whales in the UK in the last 20 years,

Source ZSL and Kent on Line


Selasa, 01 September 2009

Dolphin, Humans Share Similar Brain Size

Dolphin, Humans Share Similar Brain Size, Scientists say
Dolphins recognize themselves in mirrors, communicate in symbols

Scientists have determined how brain size has changed in dolphins and their relatives over 47 million years and have found that human and dolphin brain size is similar, according to an October 27 National Science Foundation (NSF) press release.

Dolphin brains are four to five times larger than would be expected for their body size when compared to the average brain size for animals of a similar size. In humans, the measure is seven times larger.

Results of the NSF-funded research were published online this week in the journal The Anatomical Record.

"Essentially, the brains of primates and cetaceans arrived at the same cognitive space while evolving along different paths," said Lori Marino of Emory University in Atlanta. "What the data say to me is that we, as humans, are not that special. Although we are highly encephalized [have large brains], it's not by much compared with cetaceans." Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to a group of mammals known scientifically as cetaceans.

Dolphins have shown behavioral abilities ascribed in the past only to humans and great apes. The abilities include mirror self-recognition; comprehending artificial, symbol-based communication systems and abstract concepts; and learning and transmitting behaviors described as cultural from one generation to another.

Dolphins' large brains likely enable these capabilities, Marino said.

The study was also funded by the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in California, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research, education and public outreach.

Text of the NSF press release follows:

(begin text)

National Science Foundation
Press release, October 27, 2004

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